Hydro power might be Pakistan’s best power solution

Professor Kendra Sharp facilitated a hydropower workshop for USPCASE faculty, students and stakeholders in Islamabad, Pakistan.
The USAID-funded U.S.-Pakistan Centers for Advanced Studies in Energy (USPCASE) hosted a workshop on Hydropower: Technical, Social and Regulatory Perspectives, September 24-26, 2018 in Islamabad.
Led by Arizona State University, the primary objectives of this session were to discuss the technical aspects and social impact of installing hydroelectric projects in Pakistani communities (particularly in the northern region), the assessment of using micro-units of hydropower as part of Pakistan’s energy strategy, and the government’s perspective on hydro as part of the country’s renewable energy mix.
The session was facilitated by Dr. Kendra Sharp, a renowned hydro expert from Oregon State University. More than 150 engineers from industry and academia participated in the session to exchange information and propose solutions focusing on hydropower.