
USPCAS-E equips Pakistani communities with the latest technologies in fruit drying using renewable energy
Dr. Suhail Zaki’s brought solar technology to the fruit drying process in his applied research project.

Research Q&A: Improving Pakistan’s Power Distribution Network
Assistant Professor Arsalan Habib Khawaja’s applied research focused on fault detection systems for power distribution networks.

Technology Centers set to leverage Pakistan’s enormous solar potential
USPCAS-E Technology Centers set to leverage Pakistan’s enormous solar potential through photovoltaic testing and certification services

National Energy Research Agenda
A consultative session was organized by ASU to discuss the direction of future energy research in Pakistan; researchers from nine centers attended the event.

Building energy efficiency brick by brick
Industry and academia join forces to improve energy efficiency in Pakistan’s brick kiln sector.

Vision and Technology: UNIDO Taps USPCAS-E to Expand Energy Options
Vision and Technology: UNIDO Taps USPCAS-E to Expand Energy Options South Asia is cited as the major producer of biomass resources. This includes agricultural and livestock waste, wood residue from forests, and industrial wastewater from the agriculture industry. Thailand derives nearly one-third of its energy from biomass using biomass gasification technology (BGT) that leverages agricultural…

Empowering off-grid communities
USPCASE applied research projects are focused on finding indigenous energy solutions for communities throughout Pakistan.